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${(data.data && data.data.count) > 999 ? '999+' : (data.data && data.data.count)}
${(data.data && data.data.count) > 999 ? '999+' : (data.data && data.data.count)}
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${function() { const force_image_size = "1"; const product_hover_on = true; const product_show_sale_label = true; const product_save_type = "amount"; const badge1 = "New"; const badge2 = ""; const badge3 = ""; const product_title_mobile_hide = false; const product_title_style = "full"; const enable_collection_thumb_image = true; const variantNames = ["color","artistic background"]; const thumbMaxNum = 2; const suffix_id = "search-predictive-pc" || ''; const url = data.url; const productId = data.id; const price = data.price; const productAvailable = data.available; const productVariants = data.variants || []; const images = data.images || []; const image = data.image || {}; const imageWidth = image.width; let imageHeight = image.height; let image2 = null; let imageHoverOn = false; if (force_image_size !== 'natural') { imageHeight = imageWidth * force_image_size; } if (product_hover_on) { for (let i = 1; i < images.length; i++) { const img = images[i]; if (img.src && img.src.indexOf('video=') === -1) { image2 = img; imageHoverOn = true; break; } } } let compareAtPrice = data.compare_at_price; let offRatio = data.off_ratio; let discountMaxUrl = url; const showFrom = data.price_min != data.price_max ? true : false; for (let i = 0; i < productVariants.length; i++) { const variant = productVariants[i]; if (variant.price == price && compareAtPrice < variant.compare_at_price) { compareAtPrice = variant.compare_at_price; offRatio = variant.off_ratio; variant.available && (discountMaxUrl = variant.url); } } const soldOutText = "Sold out"; let soldOn = false; let saleOn = false; if (productAvailable) { if (product_show_sale_label && price < compareAtPrice) { saleOn = true; } } else { soldOn = true; } const diffPrice = compareAtPrice - price; const saveLabelContent = product_save_type == 'percent' ? (offRatio + '%') : `
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View more
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${function() { const force_image_size = "1"; const product_hover_on = true; const product_show_sale_label = true; const product_save_type = "amount"; const badge1 = "New"; const badge2 = ""; const badge3 = ""; const product_title_mobile_hide = false; const product_title_style = "full"; const enable_collection_thumb_image = true; const variantNames = ["color","artistic background"]; const thumbMaxNum = 2; const suffix_id = null || ''; const url = data.url; const productId = data.id; const price = data.price; const productAvailable = data.available; const productVariants = data.variants || []; const images = data.images || []; const image = data.image || {}; const imageWidth = image.width; let imageHeight = image.height; let image2 = null; let imageHoverOn = false; if (force_image_size !== 'natural') { imageHeight = imageWidth * force_image_size; } if (product_hover_on) { for (let i = 1; i < images.length; i++) { const img = images[i]; if (img.src && img.src.indexOf('video=') === -1) { image2 = img; imageHoverOn = true; break; } } } let compareAtPrice = data.compare_at_price; let offRatio = data.off_ratio; let discountMaxUrl = url; const showFrom = data.price_min != data.price_max ? true : false; for (let i = 0; i < productVariants.length; i++) { const variant = productVariants[i]; if (variant.price == price && compareAtPrice < variant.compare_at_price) { compareAtPrice = variant.compare_at_price; offRatio = variant.off_ratio; variant.available && (discountMaxUrl = variant.url); } } const soldOutText = "Sold out"; let soldOn = false; let saleOn = false; if (productAvailable) { if (product_show_sale_label && price < compareAtPrice) { saleOn = true; } } else { soldOn = true; } const diffPrice = compareAtPrice - price; const saveLabelContent = product_save_type == 'percent' ? (offRatio + '%') : `
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Buy now
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${("Save {off_ratio}").replace('{off_ratio}', ("amount") == 'percent' ? data.variant.off_ratio + '%' : `
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